Boy. Benedryl makes me a bitter person.I reread yesterday's post and detected *some tones* in there. Ah, besides always trying to be funny, it's the Benadryl talkin'. You get a dose before a platelet transfusion to prevent allergic reactions. Who knew, not me, but we both do now. At first, it makes me a really fun person to drive a needle into. But then, I pass out and wake up feeling very Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. I had some of the weirdest dreams, too, involving a vampire bat and a squirrel and a dacquiri bar.
Anyway, it's the Benadryl. Oh, and the fear. I knew this whole ITP thing would eventually piss me right off. When I get scared, I get mad. And that's where I am. Topped off with some angel's platelets, and fightin' mad. It's about time. Another thing that makes me mad is gin. When I drink gin (which is "never" now), I get Ninja Star Throwin' Mad. So, because I like you, if you ever see me drinking gin, slap it out of my hand. And run, dear Lord, run, because I'm a dead-eye with a star.
Anyway, after this last load of laundry I guess I'm ready to go to the hospital tomorrow then.
I shouldn't be back until Tuesday, so I wish you a gin-free happiest New Year you've ever had in your life! So you on the other side.
xox ~ bny