Monday, February 11, 2008

Sometimes less is better.

Did I seriously forget to post last 6-week's progress notes? Apparently, I did. But "no news" really is good news when I do forget like that.

(I used to think the saying went "no news is good news" which sounded way too negative, as it would be if it were true, and confused me profusely. But confusing me has never been really hard to do.)

Should I seriously have posted this post on Friday, right after my visit to the doctor? Yes, I should've. And I'd like to thank my aunt for reminding me to hop to these things. I'm so easily distracted. And now that it's turning back into spring outside? I'll be a goner, but in a good way.

So, here's my update: This doctor's visit was good, again, thank you Big Daddy G in the Sky. "How're you feeling," he asked me. "Good. Well. Very well, actually," I said. "That's because you almost are," he noted.

(The doctor said all this, that is. Maybe Big Daddy G did, too.)

My CBC showed that my platelet count went down from from last 6-week visit ~ from 325k to 291k ~ but that is good news because now, less is better, less is getting more normal ~ it's within the normal range of 140k to about 450k. Last year at this time, I was getting transfusions and raving about my PICC line ~ which I still consider my Valentine this year again, and next year too, for good luck.

At some point, I'll make myself read things that I wrote down here a year ago, to compare. But for now, I'm fighting the urge to slow down before I hit the finish line. And I may now remember anything from running track in junior high, but I do remember, "When you see the finish line, don't slow down -- run harder."

My long-term goal is to keep it at my magic number of around 315k -- so I'm going to try harder with the rest, the nutrition, the exercise, and the *less stress* bits to see if it makes a difference. I'm a betting girl. So I bet it will.

And on February 26, I have my annual doctor's exam which (except for the embarrassing paper gown) is going to be extra-sweet because I'll finally get to thank my doctor for finding out that my platelets were low to begin with. Remember that doctor? She's the one I haven't talked to in over a year, and haven't talked much about yet, but she's the one who began the *saving my life* part with one, simple blood test.

Two if you count the recount to make sure the first one was accurate.

I know. One simple blood test, once a year. I owe a lot of people a lot more than just gratitude. But thankfully, now I've got the rest of my life to pay it back somehow.

Starting with this: if you are reading this, you need to get a CBC (that simple blood test) once a year. There is not one good reason you shouldn't, and about 315k reasons why you should.

So, see you after I visit her on the 26th, and then see you after my next "6 weeks." With about 315k or so of platelets? Twenty bucks says "you bet."