Monday, April 16, 2007


That stands for "where the hell ya been this time?" meaning "I disappeared again, didn't I?" Well, I blame the weather and this allergy I've developed to the computer. That's me though ~ distracted by shiny objects, sushi, and walking in the park, counting caterpillars for longer than I meant. This has always been the story of my life, all except for the ITP twist, but luckily I like most of the story, really.

That's where I have been with a grand total of 177k platelets since the last time I went to the doctor, last Tuesday. Like I have said before and will say it again squared, "Thank you, Big Daddy G, hiding up in the clouds, and thank you for all the angels you put here on the earth to put up with me and help me through all of this, every day."

What else have I've been doing since last update? Hmm...

~ went to Memphis to check up on the hermit crabs (don't ask)
~ made many things with beads on them
~ had a birthday and some cake
~ watched several hundred different cooking shows
~ realized Ina Garten is a person and not a place
~ watched an acceptable amount of "Fraiser", and an unacceptable amount of "Will & Grace" and "The Golden Girls"
~ got my funny valentine, the PICC Line, taken out which was a very, very sad day until I realized I could take a shower for the first time since December 28, 2006
~ took a very, very long shower
~ thought of approximately 63 good business ideas and shot all but 4 down
~ cut my hair twice, but not in that crazy Bette Davis "Baby Jane" way, but more of just a nice trim to even out the ends which had begun to look moth-eaten, I thought
~ tricked out my mother's computer until I created one fine conflict with three innocent firewalls
~ got a 2-unit blood transfusion that didn't agree with me, but I absolutely appreciated it anyway
~ thought I liked Rachel Ray
~ learned how to whack weeds, becoming a full-fledged "whackerologist" (named so by my mom -- Yes, I know it sounds like a urologist, so just let me dream I'm a doctor, okay?)
~ helped cart home thirteen tons of plants, equipment, cow manure, tomato plants, and other good things for The Yarden
~ helped cart home thirteen more tons of plants, equipment, cow manure, tomato plants, and other good things for The Yarden
~ made guacamole
~ wondered if I'd look weird driving the Weinermobile
~ stared at the Eiffel Tower and wished to go back and stay there
~ took a monkey bath with a book for old times' sake
~ contemplated my eyebrows
~ lost part of my mind after I came to and realized what all has happened in the past 93 days
~ gained perspective With a Little Help from My Friends and felt bad about the hermit crab that died instead
~ got over the crab almost as quickly as I got past Rachel Ray
~ saw something sparkly and painted my nails, both hands Bashful Blush and all 10 toes Tijuana Red
~ made my mother insane, but she totally asked for it because she bothers me every time I go into the bathroom
~ apologized for making my mother insane (even though she bothers me every time I go into the bathroom)
~ went to the farmer's market for okra
~ thought about the word "pumpkin" until it made no sense at all
~ did 99 other things instead of the 3 things that really needed doing
~ took many walks, counted more caterpillars, and waited for the butterflies soon to come

Not exactly exciting but I have to admit, even with the ITP and aplastic anemia, it's much better than anything I was doing exactly this day, exactly last year.

And I'd like to especially thank every one of you for being the sweetest people in the world for keeping up with me through all this and always sending me hugs and your cheer. There's not enough I could say or do for you, but remember to call me when you need a couch moved or need your weeds whacked.

The next time I go to the doctor is next Tuesday where they will take my blood (and I will miss my PICC Line so much that day) and do one final bone marrow to confirm that yes, ATGam, transfusions, cyclosporine and good thoughts and prayers do work.

So how is the beard coming? Fine, thanks. Under control. Am enjoying the eyelashes and nails as the trade-off, so I really am that easy-to-please. And the second-chance at life is an extremely nice benefit, too.

Officially, the physical healing is slow, but it's sure, and that's good. The emotional healing is more than interesting to see everyday and is soon to follow like the little lamb. And now it's time for me to get busy with work* again, and I can't wait.

*See, I told you I lost my mind, didn't I? But this time, it will be opposite and purposeful, new and improved, with lots of love on it, and lots of knowledge on many topics I had no idea I'd ever explore. Actually, that reminds me a lot of how my life was 8 years ago, and that is a very good sign.

xoxo - bny

short-term goal of 100k accomplished 03/13/07
with the help of a few hundred people and God.

almost there to mid-term goal of 200k,
so by 04/24/07, I should be there.
the bone marrow will be a piece of cake
because this time, I know to take
*some blue bippies* before I get it

new short-term goal: admit that, yes, I did use my dad's nose hair trimmer. there. I feel better for having said it, okay? it was for everyone's benefit, not mine.

long-term goal: 315k