But as for an update, I go back to the doctor on Monday. It's been a lazy day here. Rain, Lemon Zinger Tea, but nicely productive, wrapping packages up for the post. Showed my mom how to sell books on amazon.com yesterday, and, snap, we sold two books like that. Well, she's *cough* hooked. It's like fishing, except without the beer-bellies and sunscreen.
But in my quest to keep my donated platelets and build my own soon, I have researched a lot on nutrition. Really, I have found a lot of things that bust up platelets, but not a lot that supposedly build them besides These Wonderful Meds and the ol' skeleton. Folic acid was the only thing I read that may at least *do something beneficial to help keep and build,* so I have been at that orange juice, and the leafiest, greenest veggies plus avocados and just wonderfully-crafted salads. And Bushra dear! Thank your dad for me for the spanish onion suggestion and thumbs-up to leafy veg -- anything else recommended for us aplastic anemia babes (that's me), pass 'er this way.
But, between the vegs, I did manage in a Kit Kat Chocolate Mocha or so (limited edition, good excuse, huh?) and maybe a Lindt Lindor Extra Dark Chocolate (hey, cool candy blog here). Look. I may not be able to clot, but I'm not made of stone.

Ooo. Big scans. Also got mom a new scanner here (yayyy), can y'tell?
I also want to thank My Most Awesomest Pho Ga Friends, Kevin and Ralph, sending the unbelievable package to mamasan and me the other day, filled with all the stock-makings and absolute goodies galore for preparing spring rolls and pho ga. Honestly. My mom kept pulling out surprises and physically ran off with the *rooster sauce* over her head squealing "mine, mine!" like she was a gameshow contestant.
Which, most days, she is. She's more than a handful.
(Ralph, Kevin, have I told you how much I love ya? Yeah, you'll get tired of that after awhile.)
Because I'm so lazy but still wanted to show you the pics and also the link to the spring roll recipe at Digs Magazine (cool site, dude!), following is the email to Kevin and Ralph, "The Two Best Pho-King Guys, Down Like Four Flat Tires":
Check out the attached cellphone pic -- if you are wondering where the spring rolls are, we snarfed them last night. Had I been thinking, could've phoned those, too, but Sue went whirlin' dervish on them and had a BLAST making them. I peeled shrimp and let 'er rip. It was her first time, and she is now the sensei.
Today, she brewed us up this batch of the pho ga -- all of it was so pho king good -- we *double-heart* you both so much that we can hardly contain ourselves. This is giving her too much energy. I have secretly switched her to decaf. Seriously.
xox - bny
ps: I also attached a photo of her harassing me in the platelet-transy room, as I call it. She needs to stop.

She's going to prick me in my sleep and let me bleed dry when she realizes I've posted her photo on the internet. That's what you get for scratching on the door like a cat when I'm in the toilet. Why do you devil me, woman??
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