Monday, March 12, 2007

Where the fork have I been?

"Off to do 1.5 million errands," I said. I meant 2.3 million instead, and I'm still not done.

Your week begins with a rush, but quickly falls into a manageable pace that allows you to methodically plow through your chores. You turn toward the more serious side of life as you reevaluate what you need to do in order to keep the most important things on track. You've had your fun; now it's time to get back to work. Monday, March 12, 2007

Loosely translated, the fun part must be subjective.

Making platelets is good, relieving and addictive, but I wouldn't call it fun -- the knitting of scarves made things manageable while I've been coming off steroids for the past fews days. Maybe that counts as fun. But am I complaining? Nope. I can't have fun until I can get back to work. Good Lord, you take that back ~ I am not high! I don't touch that stuff. I just like to work is all. And, to tidy things up.

There, I said it and feel better for saying it.

Maybe being a Merry Maid is in my near future....hmmmm...

Also, I've just been scribbling down notes of interest and research to myself every day so I will remember not to forget, when I can, between the fun. Again I say "Steroids are the Beast Goddess Who Taketh with One Hand and Crusheth Thy Nuts With the Other." My figurative ones ~ not literal ones. The moustache and beard are throwing you, aren't they? Well I can assure you, it's about the most masculine thing about me besides proud, fightin' Irish attitude. Which mainly explains the tendencies toward scotch, too.

What? You got a problem with that?? Hey, my great-great-grandfather was directly from Ireland, I can say that. Why, if I weren't so tired and in need of a good waxing, you'd be in real trouble, buddy. Don't put down My People. Ooo, now you've gone and made me miss my cross-dressing friend ~ he always inspired me to keep my nails looking as luxurious as I could, which was completely motivating at the same time, and I could almost keep up with his hair but never his shopping for shoes...

My my. It's the 'Roids Leftovers gigressing again. Ignore me. I spend loads of time ignoring myself, too. I have tips on How To if you need the brochure.

Off to the doctor tomorrow for another platelet count, two-week checkup. I'm still playing the numbers guessing game ~ not because I have to, but also because a bag of jellybeans is involved.

For those playing the platelet-growing pool,

Last stats:

Two weeks ago, the butt-bone was victorious
baby platelets @ 69k,
over halfway to short-term goal of
I predict 99k, not because it would be
the normal, slow-growth average
but because it's a pretty number.

I may need a unit or two of blood for good luck and farewell, but we'll see.

I predict the doctor will order the PICC Line out soon. Not much of a prediction as he told me as much last time. PICC Lines only last for about 3 months due to risk of infection and thrombosis, and I got mine December 29th. Bittersweet because you could serve tea off mine it's so immaculate. I'll hate to see my Valentine go, but I must move on with my life ~ even if it means I will have to endure more pricks along the way without him. Needlepricks for blood counts...what did you think I meant? Sheesh!

Aw, who's kidding who...I love the way you think.

short-term goal: 100k
long-term goal: 315k
And, to get rid of the Australipithicus forehead hair, sideburns, and goatee...the nails, I'll keep.

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