Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Off to the doctor today

It's been two weeks now since the last doctor's visit. What have I learned since then? That taking 400 mg of cyclosporin daily without so many steroids not only makes Mr. McKinley's Snake Oil Salesman Handlebar Moustaches bigger, but it also makes you r-e-a-l-l-y t-i-r-e-d. But on the plus side, my eyelashes are l-o-n-g. Good. They will distract from the beard. But as long as they grow platelets, I couldn't care much less because it's all Just Temporary.

Anyone still playing the guessing game of "How many platelets will she have this time"? I feel obligated to...

Last time, my butt bone was victorius in making 46k platelets.
My math-cheating mom says that averages into 500k a day, so her guess would rationally 14 times 500 which equals 7k, so 53k, but she now is says "Oh, I'm no good at this. But I'll guess you've picked up exponentially"...
Which is my guess, I'd say I'm well into the 100k range...126k? 199k?...I'll take 99k!

Whoever gets closest gets a bag of jellybeans! Back later with the results. I'll be the bearded lady, yawning...

ps: Sissy...how is your arm, your sinuses, and Little Man Tucker? And hello to Melinda and Hank! Also, to Bushra -- yay, okra! How 'bout brussel sprouts? To Tara, congratulations again! And to Mamie, if lovin' you is wrong, I don't wanna be right either, girlie ~ you made me smile with that, as usual! ~ hug baby girl Hannah for me and give Bart a hug, too, while your at it!

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