Friday, February 9, 2007

The proof in the cookieduster.

Sure, cyclosporine grows hair. I know that now. My whoops-now-bleached-white Colonel Sanders moustache will tell you that. So, you're asking, does it grow platelets? Well, it certainly must help.

In the past 4 days, my platelet count went from 27K (holding exactly from its last count 3 days before) and is now rising -- to 29k. Yesss.

Some say, "You built 2k!" but I say, "No, baby, I built them all ~ 29K of 'em." Why? Because a normal body produces 200k-400k, recycling them all in 7-10 days. So, that's my opinion, and I think I am on my way to making baby platelets. Feel it in m'bones. Now, how long til normal range. low end being 140k. Don't know how long that will take (let's ask mom and her cheating calculator ways), but I'm shooting for what I had and took for granted for years: 315k.

Thanks to you, God, and to the universal healing powers of good. No, really. Like any regenerative object on this regenerative planet, the human body is a divine design, whichever god you believe in. This is not the end of my healing ~ they said, "Don't worry if it goes down again, don't get discouraged, it's normal, that's expected." But let's celebrate today, want to? Me, too.

And I'll never forget: None of this could've happened without the divinely donated platelets from the silent angels known as blood and platelet donors. Honestly, I would probably be dead right now without donated blood and platelets I've gotten. As I received them, I treated every one of them with care ~ I babied them with the hour-by-hour medication regimen, rested in periods of thanks and meditation and drooly naps, increased exercise levels daily (shuffling around the backyard filling up birdfeeders is good for you), researched and applied better nutrition (easy when your mom makes excellent salads), and resisted sugars and the rich, blood-red Cabernet Sauvignon. And, have resisted the occasional 5 mg of diazepam in its place. Whoo-hoo! (Hey, it was prescribed for the dog's bad back, but it takes the edge off. Aw, we got it at Walgreens, it's kosher.) And if I need to get more, I will do the same thing, with respect.

Anyway, my hematocrit level was low, so they say I may need blood next time, but that's fine. Basically, I'm ready to donate something back to them ~ to the cause no one thinks about until it hits them ~ (whether it's a truck or a freak blood disorder) ~ I have to give back by raising awareness for blood donation and its donors. Selfless acts in silence that truly save lives. How can I thank these people?

Hey, that was a pretty good line in blue, for starters.

And, if you are reading this, thank you for your kindness, messages and support. Honestly, you are the ones that make the world better everyday.

And finally, don't forget to hug an research chemist or scientist today.
Trust me, the pigeon hawk roosting on my upper lip is worth it. As my dad would say, "Better living through chemistry." And he should know, being the research chemist who lived with Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia for 24 years, which is almost unheard of.

So, Airborne, Daddy...this is your daughter, labmonkie...excuse the walrus beached under my nose...but we made 2,000 platelets this week.

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